Libre or Gratis? (українською)

Many languages don't have the problem English has: the word "free" means both "free of charge" and "free as in freedom". Because of this, the terms "free software*" and "free culture" can be confusing to those who haven't heard of them before. Some people (including myself) use the term "libre", but this word is not English, although it is close to the word "liberty".

Others use the term "open source software" when talking about programs, but there is a problem with this term as well — it can also mean "source-available software", which is not libre. There are also terms "FOSS" ("free and open source software") and "FLOSS" ("free libre and open source software").

I use the term "libre" when I am introducing someone to free software and free culture, otherwise I prefer the term "free".

*The word "software" also creates a little problem, because it means both "one program" and "many programs". Although this is more of a problem for translators.


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